Welcome to this Ultimate guide to get you started- 8 Ball Pool Tips and Tricks, Cheats and Strategy Walk through.
I’m certainly not the most experienced at the game, but I’ve beat the ‘Pros’ and the ‘Masters’ simply suing these ten tips. These tips will transform you from a beginner to a professional potter in no time at all. The techniques I’ve listed will let you build your coin bank quickly. We’ve all probably looked for cheats and hacks, but 8 Ball Pool are gunning down on hackers, if you are caught, your account will be blocked.
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8 ball pool tips and tricks
1. Know the rules
Read up on 8 Ball Pool rules in general, but in particular remember:
- If a ball doesn’t hit the edge around the table, that shot is a foul. It lets your opponent move the cueball to wherever they want on the table.
- If you pot the black and the cue ball also goes down, you lose the game. Look at the cueball’s guideline when you’re lining up that last shot!
- Pot the black last, after all your object balls have been potted.
- In a tier that requires calling pocket on the 8 Ball, potting the 8 Ball into an uncalled pocket will result in losing the game.
- Potting the 8 Ball from the break off shot is not a foul. The 8 Ball will be respotted on the table, and play passes to the other player.
2. The Break
There are several kinds of breaks you can make, but there’s no single type. However the two most effective breaks that I use are:
- Hit the first ball in the triangle straight on and use top spin to drive through the pack even more.
- Hit the second from end ball as cleanly as possibly using full backspin causing the cue ball to hit the cushion and go into the pack again.
I personally go for number 1 as it manages to get several balls in and the balls end up being nicely spread. Using this I have also cleaned the table in one go, the balls are in such good places. However sometimes a soft shot may be better, as this can leave the pack fairly undisturbed so it will create a more tactical game among better players.
3. Choosing Spots or Stripes
Your decision of whether to choose spots or stripes can determine whether you win the game. Just because you have potted a particular type of ball or even several on the break does not mean that you should necessarily take that as your decision. Look at the position of all of the balls on the table, how many of them are in pottable positions? How well spread are the balls? Which set gives you the best chance to clear up? These are all questions that you need to ask yourself before you proceed.
4. Watch your power
The amount of power you use on your shots is almost as important as how accurately you aim them. The harder you hit a shot, the more likely it is that it will stay out. In many cases a soft touch will give the ball a better chance of dropping into the hole. This is particularly vital information when trying to pot in those tricky middle pockets. Be careful not to use too little power, though! You don’t want to miss a straightforward shot because you hit it too gently. Don’t “hit and hope”; judge how much power is needed for each shot and adjust as appropriate.
5. Plan ahead
Think one, two, or even three shots ahead. With that in mind, you can start to think about what kind of spin or how much power you need to put on your shot. Admittedly the game clock prevents you from being able to spend as much time as some would like mulling over your shots, but to improve your game this is quite simply a must.
Firstly pay attention to the white guideline and what direction it is pointing in after the point of contact with the object ball. Then look around where your remaining balls are and think about where would be a good place to leave the cue ball to be able to pot your next shot. Then consider how hard you need to hit the cue ball in order to get it in the best position. The softer you hit it the more it will run through and the harder you hit it the more deflected off the path it will be. If you are playing a dead straight shot and you hit it hard then the cue ball is going to sit where the object ball was previously, this is called a stun shot.
6. Spin
In short, placing the contact point at the bottom of the ball will cause the cue ball to spin back once it contacts the object ball. The more backspin you require, the lower you should put the point and to determine the rate of spin, you select your power.
If you place the cue contact point at the top of the cue ball then this will cause the cue ball to follow through once it makes contact with the object ball, the harder you hit it the more spin will be generated.
Side spin is the final form, you can use this to change the angle that the cue ball takes when it comes off the cushion. If you were to put right hand side spin on, the ball will hit the cushion and bounce more towards the right than if you hit it in the middle. Another thing that has an effect on the angle the cue ball takes when it comes off the cushion is the speed it is travelling at. The faster it is travelling the straighter the ball will bounce and the slower it travels the more of an angle it will take. Very handy for getting out of tight snookers where it would normally be nearly impossible.
Avoid sinking the cueball – Add some backspin to the cueball and it should stop in its tracks. But much power on a spin can send it out of control and into a pocket! Have a play around with spin, you need to familiarize yourself with the amount of spin you need in different situations.
7. Cues with powers
Each cue will have 4 different attributes:
- Spin – this is the amount of spin you can put on your shot
- Force – how hard you can hit the cueball
- Aim – this determines the length of your aim-line when taking a shot
- Time – this determines how much time you have to take your shot
Of course, there’s no instant-win cue – you’re still going to need skill to win! But it does mean that some will be better suited for certain situations. You may want to use a Force cue to try and pot more balls off the break, or you may decide that a cue with a better Aim will help you make a game-winning shot into the middle pocket.
Every cue has a maximum charge of 50 shots, although you can recharge it at any time with Pool Coins. You can also set it to auto-recharge, so you never have to break up your flow during a game. You can play on with an uncharged cue, but its attributes will be lower than normal. Auto-recharge is set to ON by default: you can change this easily by tapping on one of your cues and setting auto-recharge to OFF.
8. Ruler
Use a ruler to extend your guidelines, very simple and effective!
9. Play lots!
The very top players, who have levels in the hundreds and countless tournament wins have become the best because they’ve simply played a lot of 8 Ball Pool and refined their skills. They know how much power to put on their shots, which spin to use and how to plan series of shots. Use Miniclip Quick Fire Pool as opportunity to practice as you are not given a time limit to adhere to so you can put a lot of thought into your shots. Use these games to watch how the cue ball reacts, practice your positioning and spin skills.
10. Free coins
- You can earn 25 coins every 30 mins on the Web and 1 hour on Mobile. Tap the Free Coins button to get the coins.
- You can also watch short adverts to earn coins.
- You earn 1 Pool Cash each time you level up.
- You get a some coins and a spin the wheel if you login daily
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